Hank's Table

Hank's Table

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Actions and Character Matter - My Response to Sports Fans and Vandalism

After the Ohio State Buckeyes won the 2015 National Championship excited fans took to the streets to celebrate. Except the problem is how they celebrated. It is reported that 89 fires were set by excited fans in trash bins, dumpsters, and couches, as well as football goal posts being torn down. The cops had to use tear gas outside of the Ohio State football stadium because fans were trying to break in, possibly to vandalize the stadium. However Ohio State fans are not the only one's, it happens all the time it seems.

Reaction from a fan in Missouri after the Giants
beat the Royals in the World Series.
Ohio State Reaction to Winning the National Championship 

I am a sports fan. I do get really excited when my team wins. However, I've never had the urge to vandalize my city after a big win. I'm shocked at the way "adults" act. It concerns me how our children will act by seeing the way we act. I would call these acts childish, but the fact is it's just plain illegal crime. I believe that many of those celebrating in this way manner have never had a run in with the cops, but on this particular night they thought it would be fun to act crazy. Did they realize what they were doing was actually committing crime? Did they really care?

I'm tired of hearing how civilized we are as a people when we act this way. Acts of vandalism and crime all across this country over silly things that don't matter (this is a good example). What also saddens me is knowing in my heart that many of these people probably will attend church on Wednesday and/or Sunday. Maybe they are vocal about being Christian. Yet they participated in these acts for "fun". You better bet the Lord is not happy. As we are the hands and feet of Christ, as his representatives we should always consider our actions and how it may hurt his image to an unbeliever. Do you really think that an unbeliever would take someone like this series? I don't and I wouldn't.

In our walk with Christ we will make mistakes, we may fall, but if our minds are focused on what's above it makes it harder to mess up. I don't ever want to lose the change of winning a soul because of my actions.

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?     James 2:14 NIV


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