I admire Roy for doing what is not easy. If you read my last article titled "Convert or Die" you have noticed that in Iraq Christians, including children are being beheaded for their faith. Here in America persecution is slowly creeping in as we see that one by one we are losing our freedoms to express our faith. One could point out and say "Hank how would you feel if a Muslim gave a speech about Allah?" and I'll admit I wouldn't be happy. But as my last article pointed out there is a big difference in how Muslims convert people and how Christians convert people. One is done by the sword (Slay the unbelievers where ever you find them 2:191) and the other is done by love (John 3:16). Now obviously there are hateful Christians that do not show love, however are they really Christians following Christ? And I have met some incredibly nice Muslims, yet we must point to their teachings. There is a difference.
There is no doubt that atheist want the voices of Christians shut, but if our voice is shut then who will proclaim the good news that Jesus has died for our sins? At the end of the day when people die they will know the truth whether God exists or not. He has shown me time and time again that he exists and that I'm living in the truth. Thank you again Roy for giving Christians a voice and being an inspiration to us all.
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