Both quotes that
I’m about to share came from the Fox News article that I have a link to below. Amy
Cunningham tweeted saying “Miley Cyrus' performance at the VMAs is the most
uncomfortable thing I have ever watched.” While Kevin Hart, who was last year’s
VMA’s host joked about her performance saying "Miley better go get a
pregnancy test after all that grinding."
I think that
parents should take note that this type of entertainment is not even suitable
for kids, teens, or even adults. Miley may be 20 years old but it’s sad to me
that she feels as though she has to dress and dance this way to be a “star.” Yet
we as consumers feed this mentality when we buy her music and allow our teens
to have posters of her on their walls. I believe that we are continuing to pressure
young girls into believing that by dressing and dancing like a hooker you’ll be
more popular and successful. Yet as consumers of media we are hungry for more
and more of that “shock factor” that comes with this type of entertainment.
The older I
get the more I understand how precious innocence really is. Maybe as a teen
growing up I can admit that this was not the case. Just like any teenager I
wanted to be in the know. But why as adults are we simply allowing the innocence
of our teens to be trampled on? In every home a parent or guardian should be
sitting down with their kids to express how this type of action is not
acceptable. From a biblical stand point I know God is not pleased. But even if
you aren’t a Christian would you accept your child walking around their school
acting like Miley?
Maybe you
watched the VMA’s and thought there was nothing wrong with her performance. Maybe
you were ok with Lady Gaga’s apparel and Kanye West’s sacrilegious references
to himself being Yeezus. Or maybe you were like me who was floored and
disturbed by all three. As I had mentioned I didn’t see Miley’s performance but
I did see most of the show. I saw Justin Timberlake who proved to be a work
horse overshadowed by a theme of “gay equality” and “Do as thou will.”

If you have
read this article and feel the same way I do I think we should do as Jesus has
instructed us. We should pray for them. In the end they are people too who have
been put on a pedestal. And when they fall, it’s going to be a long ways down. As Pastor Rodney Shaw said on Twitter concerning the Fox News article he posted, "Have we no conscience? No shame? They gave America what she wanted. Weep for your children. Weep for yourself."
Thanks for
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