One of my favorite podcast to listen to is Joel Osteen’s. Many people have opinions about him but I enjoy the fact that he lifts up people, and let’s be honest, everyone needs to be lifted up every once in a while. Joel may not be what you call a “preacher”, but that is ok with me. I take him for what he is and that is a good communicator who builds up the people around him. On this particular day I was listening to his message on “A No Stick Anointing.” First of all I thought it was an odd/funny title. As I listened to the message I quickly started to understand that what Joel was talking about I really needed to hear.
What’s a no stick anointing you might be asking yourself? Well honestly I had four people at work ask me when they saw it written on my board at work. You may also be asking yourself why it was written on my board at work. Honestly, it works in my favor in two ways. First of all it opens up a chance for me to be witness when people ask. Two, it works as a reminder to me. Often times I will hear a message and think to myself “Wow, I’ll never forget that message.” Then I turn right around and forget. Don’t laugh; you know you have done it too!
A no stick anointing is when you spray a little Pam on you (not literally) so that the cares of life slide right off of you. When people try to hurt you verbally it has no effect on you. And honestly we can all admit it really hurts to know people talk about us behind our backs. A no stick anointing reminds you that God can and will fight your battles when you turn it over to him. As Joel says, “God always gives us the grace in the season we are in. Even Jesus didn’t answer his critics.” Joel goes on to remind us that people who talk about you behind your back are only distractions.
A no stick anointing is when you spray a little Pam on you (not literally) so that the cares of life slide right off of you. When people try to hurt you verbally it has no effect on you. And honestly we can all admit it really hurts to know people talk about us behind our backs. A no stick anointing reminds you that God can and will fight your battles when you turn it over to him. As Joel says, “God always gives us the grace in the season we are in. Even Jesus didn’t answer his critics.” Joel goes on to remind us that people who talk about you behind your back are only distractions.
So don’t allow these distractions to interrupt and ruin your day. Spray a little Pam on you and laugh it away. Remember that God has your back and will stick up for his children when you give it to him. Life is too stressful as it is to have people adding more stress to it. Just continue to live for the Lord, allow your light to shine, and who knows… Maybe you might win a soul just by your actions.
Thanks for reading,
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