Hank's Table

Hank's Table

Monday, January 31, 2011

Just a Thought "Where I'm at Today"

Early Days: Born in Middle Tennessee to Hubert and Loretta Hayes and raised in the hills of East Tennessee I enjoyed the benefits that most kids growing up today don't... Freedom (and yes these pictures are located basically in my back yard at home). I had the hills of the countryside at my becking call and I took advantage of every moment of it. Where I lived parents and children alike didn't have to worry about child predators, just watch your feet for snakes. Like any boy I loved toys, especially action packed toys, but the my favorite toy as a kid was a simple stick. With a stick and a huge imagination which us Hayes' never lacked in imagination, I could turn that stick into anything. It could be a sword, a gun, and if it were big enough I would stand it up and fight it as if it were a wrestler. I became a big fan of Bible hero's at a fairly young age. Interested in their amazing stories I would often pretend I were them. I would find the biggest stick I could and march through the woods as if I were Moses marching through the wilderness. But as a kid the Apostle Peter was my favorite. Never one lacking in words I would often find myself trying to dig myself out of a hole I had just created by saying stuff I shouldn't have, and if you read your Bible you'll see Peter was the same way.

Spring City Worship Center: But now I'm a big kid. I received my call to preach at age 12 and at age 16 accepted it. At age 12 I was eager to serve the church and my pastor at the time Bro. Mike Grace gave me that opportunity. He told me that if I were going to represent the ministry then I needed to start dressing like it. So the Hank that you see wearing ties and dress clothes came at a very young age. My ministry duty was simple: Take up the offering and be at the men's prayer breakfast every Saturday Morning (5am). I learned a lot during that time in Spring City, such as getting young people involved at a young age in ministry, how to pray, and the joys and strength you can get from men praying together continually.

Rockwood FUPC: A few years had passed and I found myself at the Rockwood First United Pentecostal Church which was coventually located right in front of my mothers house basically. I got into serving the church right away there by participating in church work days and running the sound system, little did I know that my preaching days were about to begin.

Rockwood was getting a youth pastor was the word around the church, and honestly the youth group was beyond excited about it. Vandy Watt moved to Tennessee from Georgia when he was asked to be our youth pastor. During his arrival the youth group began to grow and I was blessed to be apart of that. Sis. Wilson and he taught me the purpose and benefits of teaching Bible studies, attach that with the burden God had given me for souls and you had one very aggressive Hank on your hands. But it was Bro. Vandy who came up to me and asked me to preach one of the up and coming youth services. During this time I had never preached, only taught and testified, and how many 16 year old preachers do you really know? Sure, I won't kid you I was nervous, but as any preacher called of God can tell you there is something about ministering to the needs of people from a pulpit. Some may take that the wrong way because ministry needs to be outside the pulpit as well, but you've got to remember, ministry outside of the pulpit was all I had ever known, now I was stepping into a different league per say.

The first message I preached has actually continued to be one of my favorites that has evolved in the 7 years since I first preached it. It was titled "Stepping on the Enemy" a message God actually gave to me as I was helping my dad plow our garden. I'll never forget the opportunities that was given to me during that run in Rockwood, nor the mentors that I had.

Present Day: So what am I doing now? I'm in college getting my degree to teach History, I'm a clown in the juggling act I call life, working two jobs, ministering, offering advice and counsel to our youth, and in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend and best friend Sydney Lindsay. I moved to Murfreesboro, TN right after my freshmen year of college and I've been here ever since. My Pastor Phil DePriest and his wonderful wife Sis. Carla DePriest have taken me in and made me feel very much apart of their church family at The Pentecostals of Murfreesboro where I serve on the ministry team teaching, preaching, discipling future ministers, preaching out, and working on the youth staff offering guadence to our youth and serving as outreach director. Besides my Pastor and his wife my mentors include Family Pastor Kevin Allen, and my close friends Bro. Terry and Sis. Liz Freeman (my Murfreesboro dad & mom).
With that being said I'm very thankful for the mentors I've had in my life. People I can look up to who were not only amazing people but spiritual leaders as well. I only hope that I can leave a positive imprint on the lives that I touch like my grandmother, Bro. Vandy, the Freeman's, Bro. Kevin, the Grace's, and the DePriest's have had on mine.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

InsideOut Magazine Featured Article: My AYC Experience

Link to InsideOut Magazine Website: My AYC Experience

This is the article I submitted to the General Youth Divisions "InsideOut Magazine" about the AYC mission work in D.C.

It’s July 19th and I’m walking off of my plane in Nashville, TN. Currently residing in Murfreesboro, TN, the drive home only takes 45 minutes. But it’s not the drive home that I’m excited about, but rather sharing my week-long experience in Washington, D.C. with some of the coolest people on God’s planet. This is my account of AYC D.C. 2010.

It started off when I was 16 years old with a burden God gave me to see souls won. Throughout the years God has opened many doors for me to grow in ministry; through witnessing, teaching Bible studies, and traveling and preaching, God has taken me places in my 6 years of ministry that many ministers never get to go. It was a Sunday in September, and my pastor’s wife came up to me and mentioned that she had been at a conference where a video for AYC was playing and one of the destinations was Washington, D.C. Sister DePriest knew that I had a burden for souls. She also knew that I felt God was grooming me for world evangelism, and my never-ending fascination with government also played a big part in this; and anyone who knows me and is reading this is shaking their head in agreement. After about 3 weeks of prayer I decided to step out in faith and proclaim that I was going to Washington, D.C. Through numerous donations from friends, family, and ministries—which, is a story on its own—God provided enough funds for me to join the largest group to attend a North American AYC mission trip in AYC history.

The trip getting to D.C. was an adventure in itself. On both of my flights I was able to witness and discuss Bible with the person sitting next to me. When I finally arrived I started to notice all the places I had only seen in books. Here I was riding by our nation’s capital, and at a distance I could see the Washington Monument. Already I was starting to feel like a kid in a candy factory. When I finally arrived at the hotel I was greeted by both Sister Wiseman and Sister Ensey.

Upon arriving at the home of our host pastor, Brother Staten, I was introduced to his kind family who made me feel right at home. You would think arriving at someone’s home that you really don’t know would be intimidating, but the whole Staten family made me feel like I was part of the family. It was there that I met the rest of the group who had traveled from all across the country. Once again you would think that these things would be awkward—meeting new people—but honestly that feeling didn’t last very long at all. Within the first 5 minutes of meeting each other, we were starting to joke with one another and got to know each other past the usual “hi”. That night Brother Wiseman and Brother Ensey had us go around the room and introduce ourselves again and tell why we came on this mission. For the most part we all had the same thing in common; we wanted to be a part of starting a revival and winning souls in our nation’s capital. What we didn’t know is that the Staten family and the church they pastored had already fueled the fires of revival in that city, and that on this mission we wouldn’t be walking out thanking God that we were able to bring revival to D.C.; but that we were in a participant in the revival that had already been stirred. That night was the beginning of a week-long adventure in the Spirit, friendship, and revival in our lives.

The night before we had an awesome prayer meeting, with the Spirit of God so thick in that place it was unreal. God was using us as we exercised the gifts that He had given to us as we prayed for one another. Monday morning I remember waking up and placing my feet on the ground and saying to myself, “Well, here we go”. During this mission I had no thoughts of wasting any time at all. I wanted to experience everything that was possible on this trip, and I do thank God for the invention of the camera, because each picture I took reminds me of another great time I experienced on this AYC trip.

Each morning we would meet for breakfast and then join together in prayer. Brother Ensey would explain what our mission of the day was and we would break up into two teams. One team would go to Senate Park right next to the Capital, and the other group would go to a park right across from the church. On my first day in Senate Park I met Reverend Al Sharpton, who was in 2004 a presidential candidate for the Democratic Nomination. I introduced myself, got a picture with him; and some of the people who joined me in passing out church invitations for our special Saturday and Sunday service handed Mr. Sharpton one as well. We passed out many invites that day and shared our testimonies with those who were interested. At both sites both teams set up for outside worship services where many people joined us in worship right there on the streets of Washington, D.C. and right next to the Capital. During this time I met many types of people from “regular Joes”, to homeless people, to rich business people, and of course politicians. Between Monday and Saturday we must have passed out hundreds of invitations, and I’m not exactly sure how many people we actually prayed with on the streets. People who normally like to say in their comfort zones were pulled out.

Besides the spiritual aspect of the AYC trip, we took time to relax and site-see. Washington, D.C. is a beautiful place with over 591,000 people living there. D.C. is a mega zone for American and world history. From the feet of the Capital, to the Lincoln Monument, to the gates of the White House, to the breathtaking WWII memorial monument, Washington, D.C. is a place you should really consider visiting. Most of the traveling took place in the subways, and many times we would find ourselves at Union Station located right outside of the Capital. We took a tour of the halls of Congress and even sat in both chambers (and I won’t even lie; I pointed out the chair that—if I was ever to run and be elected to the Senate by the state of Tennessee—I would be casting my votes from; and I know you’re thinking, “nerd” by now, but every guy has a nerd in him. Mine so happens to be government.) We stood outside the gates of the White House where I thought to myself, “The West Wing makes it seem a lot bigger”. We toured the Jefferson, Lincoln, WWII, and Korean War monuments. But my favorite was the newest monument presented by President Clinton in memory of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. While we were touring the monument, stories that my grandma had told me about the days of the Great Depression and WWII rang loud in my mind—and how a single man, crippled himself (though the country didn’t know it at the time) was a sign of strength to those who themselves were broken. While touring these monuments even today I get teary-eyed just thinking about the strength this country has shown through times of development, times of Civil War, times of depression, and times of World War and peace… that a country of many types of ethnic backgrounds, heritage, opinions, and times of hardships and struggles could stick together and be one. While these monuments remind me of times of struggles, war, and peace, I can’t help but thank the Lord Almighty for letting me live in such a great country.

By the time the Saturday and Sunday services had arrived we were all ready and excited to join together and worship God for the harvest of souls he would be bringing. Living Hope United Pentecostal Church saw many first-time visitors whose lives were changed that week—not only in the building itself but even on the streets. During one Bible study a few of us had with a family, the Spirit of God moved strongly. After the study we began to sing praises to God with that family and prayed all throughout the house for God to move in the lives of the rest of the family. Both the husband and wife believed God had healed them, and they now wanted their son to experience the salvation of the Lord. One thing I loved about the church in D.C. was how multicultural it was; 27 different nationalities in one building praising God. It looked like a picture you’d see from heaven. During the services themselves the AYC’ers led the worship, and—though the Lord has not granted me the talent of leading worship—I did get a chance to speak to the congregation with a Spanish interpreter; and Brother Michael Ensey preached to the church. The duty mayor of New York and his daughter joined us in worship and asked that we lay hands on his daughter because she was having some issues with her leg. Altogether the service was unlike anything I’ve been apart of yet.

With all the excitement of a week of growing spiritually and in friendship, it was time to come together one last time. We had gotten a private room in the back of a restaurant where we shared laughs, tears, and WOW/MOM moments. Just like on the first night we had a chance to go around the room and talk about the trip. That night I realized that the friendships God had placed in my life were not for a week, but for a lifetime. Looking across the room I saw many talents, burdens, and honestly downright cool people who I honestly wished would all pack their things and move to Murfreesboro, TN. The last thing I remember saying to the group as a whole before we finally departed was that any church would be lucky to have them in their congregation. I was sitting with 27 young people who felt the same burden I did, faced the same temptations everyday, and were made over comers through the blood of Jesus and were not ashamed to let the whole Capital know it. That night, 5 of us went next door to the restaurant next to the hotel and shared dessert and just talked and laughed. Each of us would randomly mention how the next day wouldn’t be the same. By early that next morning we had developed a plan to meet up again. As we all hugged, we promised each other we’d stay in contact, and the revival we felt in D.C. would go home with us.

The experiences I felt from the AYC mission trip to Washington, D.C. have changed my life, both spiritually and emotionally. If God opens a door for you to go, then I recommend it. The experiences I had and felt were also felt by 27 other people, high school and college age. If you are reading this and you are hungry for more of God, wanting to personally see Book of Acts revival, fighting getting outside of your comfort zone, and the thought of establishing friendships that will last forever; then by all means…. YOU GO!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Do You Bear the Scars of Christ?

Sydney and I have been in study this week and today we ended our studies in the Book of Galatians, a book that I have previously blogged about which you can read by just scrolling down. The letter to the Galatians from the Apostle Paul has spoken to me on a personal note due to constant personal issues I have faced with family members who have abandoned the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ to follow the law of the Jews and also from a man that comes into my work constantly claiming that those who celebrate Christmas, Easter, and any holiday besides that of the Jews are pagans. Now as a side note I do want to add I see where they are coming from, but that is not the importance of the matter, Jesus Christ and him crucified on the other hand is.

But as I was ending the letter of Galatians I came across a line where Paul says, "For I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to Jesus" (Gal. 6:17 NLT) . Just that little line blew up in my mind. What a bold statement! Here Paul is aggravated with the Galatian Church because they were allowing "false teachers" to fill their minds with filth saying that the grace of God is great and all but now you need to follow the law of Moses, basically cancelling out the work of Christ on the cross. Paul in 6 chapters pleads with these gentiles claiming that the work of Jesus Christ and your faith in him is what makes a person whole, not the law of Moses. Paul ended his letter by making the bold statement that "I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to Jesus". Maybe you can relate to what Paul is saying here. Have you ever been so sold out on something that you put everything you had into it, whether it was your job, school activity, sports related, or even ministry and someone claim that you haven't committed yourself fully? You weren't sold on the task? Wouldn't you get mad, frustrated, or aggravated just as Paul seems to be when he wrote this? I'm sure we can all relate! But there is something else, something different, what could it be? Oh yeah! Maybe the fact that Paul was beaten, stone to death, thrown in jail for preaching, teaching, and witnessing about the truth of the Gospel (Good News) of Christ Jesus. Paul was scared for Christ!

So I ask you this simple question, what marks or scars do you bear for Christ? If you are reading this and you are from China you might say, "I bear the marks of Christ on my back and in jail". If you are reading this and you are in the middle east you might say, "I bear his marks on my back and my father, my brother, or my mother lost there life". And then the most common case you are reading this and you are sitting at home, campus, or Starbucks here in the grand United States of America and you say, "I have nothing to show that I serve Jesus the Christ".

Dear brothers and sisters, there are some among you that have stayed the course, kept the faith, never wavered, stumbled maybe but didn't stay down who can say something that even I can't say, "I have scars to bear for Christ, no not physical damage to my body, but mental damage that honestly hurts. I've been made fun of, picked on, questioned as I've been mocked for dressing the way I do, praying the way I do, witnessing the way I do. But one thing remains, God is faithful and I will always serve Jesus for all of my days". Believe it or not I know a few people who can confess that this is their testimony, maybe you are reading this and you have a tear going down your face because I've just spoke about you.

If I can be honest to those who have scars for Christ I want to personally say that you are my hero. A hero is not a word I throw around lightly either. The hero's in my life have stood the test of time, been a champion of something, and were the best at whatever they do. You are champions of the faith, standing strong for the one who died on the cross for our sins. I pray that his Spirit will continue to guide you and give you strength along this journey as you continue to inspire people like myself. Please let it be know that there are people who see you, hear your testimony, and see your faith in action, to you I praise God for bearing scars like the great apostle's did. To those who have nothing to show for serving Christ I simply say this, we must get our acts together and stand for something worth standing for. In the end the game is over, school is over, the test is over, relationships end, jobs end, life ends, but the love of God and what he did on the cross through his Son Jesus Christ will never end. Stand for the one who has been standing for you, the one who hung on a cross for you, the one who bears on his body the scars with your name on it.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Year of Growth 2011

So it's December and of course everyone is talking about how excited or disappointed they are that Christmas is right around the corner. It's the time of the year where red and green rule the air, and hopefully good attitudes, though that could be debatable considering when and where you are shopping. This December has been different needless to say, mostly due to the spiritual growth and sensitivity in the spirit I have been given from the Lord. I took a drive to visit my family back home in East Tennessee and as I was pumping gas my heart became heavy because here I was surrounded by hurting people. There is a joy and peace you can get in your spirit when you are walking in line with the Father, and as bad as I hated to admit it to me it seemed like we (the ministry) had been lacking in the department of comforting the hurting. My heart has been burden down with thoughts of that day, seeing the countless souls of people pumping gas, buying cigarettes and a coke, and not knowing that what they were really missing, that emptiness inside of them was a lack of the Father's spirit (the Holy Spirit) living inside of them.

Now as I said my focus was not on Christmas, but actually on the new year that was approaching. God has laid it on my heart that 2011 will be a year of growth in my life and in the church. PRAISE GOD!!!!! 2010 was a year of testing for me and I don't know about you but I hate test. The apostle James (James 1:2-4) spoke about testing in his book and if we just look at the positives in our times of testing then we will understand that all things come from God and that his intentions are for us to grow and that's where the testing comes in. Well I'm thankful to say that God the Father has laid it on my heart that throw his son Jesus Christ 2011 is going to be a year of growth in the church and thanks be to God growth in me as well.

Already as I'm sitting a few days into 2011 I can feel God working inside of me. I feel as though he is setting me aside to be apart of his bride and that he is working inside of my heart, mind, and soul to preserve it for himself. He is drawing me in by his spirit and I can't seem to get enough of him. If he has called you then I think as long as we strive and seek his face in prayer, fasting, and worship (outside of the church building as well) that God will begin to take us places we never thought possible. I feel that God will use me in the gifts that he see's I need for this time in my life and service to him while growing me in ministry and in him.

If you feel the same way as I do or you want to feel that way I urge you to contact me. There is no greater subject than Jesus Christ and the price of calvary. You might be thinking to yourself that you have already heard the gospel and you have responded to it, but yet you are not feeling the same way as I do. If that is the case I promise you the Spirit of God is moving and can direct you in the same direction the Father has directed me.

I'm praying that we all strive to see sinners with the eyes of Christ and that we desire to know God more. I can promise you one thing, God wants to talk to you as much as you want to talk to him. Believe me through the Spirit of Christ we can touch God and he will hear you and you can hear him. Praise be the our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah.