Hank's Table

Hank's Table

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Year of Growth 2011

So it's December and of course everyone is talking about how excited or disappointed they are that Christmas is right around the corner. It's the time of the year where red and green rule the air, and hopefully good attitudes, though that could be debatable considering when and where you are shopping. This December has been different needless to say, mostly due to the spiritual growth and sensitivity in the spirit I have been given from the Lord. I took a drive to visit my family back home in East Tennessee and as I was pumping gas my heart became heavy because here I was surrounded by hurting people. There is a joy and peace you can get in your spirit when you are walking in line with the Father, and as bad as I hated to admit it to me it seemed like we (the ministry) had been lacking in the department of comforting the hurting. My heart has been burden down with thoughts of that day, seeing the countless souls of people pumping gas, buying cigarettes and a coke, and not knowing that what they were really missing, that emptiness inside of them was a lack of the Father's spirit (the Holy Spirit) living inside of them.

Now as I said my focus was not on Christmas, but actually on the new year that was approaching. God has laid it on my heart that 2011 will be a year of growth in my life and in the church. PRAISE GOD!!!!! 2010 was a year of testing for me and I don't know about you but I hate test. The apostle James (James 1:2-4) spoke about testing in his book and if we just look at the positives in our times of testing then we will understand that all things come from God and that his intentions are for us to grow and that's where the testing comes in. Well I'm thankful to say that God the Father has laid it on my heart that throw his son Jesus Christ 2011 is going to be a year of growth in the church and thanks be to God growth in me as well.

Already as I'm sitting a few days into 2011 I can feel God working inside of me. I feel as though he is setting me aside to be apart of his bride and that he is working inside of my heart, mind, and soul to preserve it for himself. He is drawing me in by his spirit and I can't seem to get enough of him. If he has called you then I think as long as we strive and seek his face in prayer, fasting, and worship (outside of the church building as well) that God will begin to take us places we never thought possible. I feel that God will use me in the gifts that he see's I need for this time in my life and service to him while growing me in ministry and in him.

If you feel the same way as I do or you want to feel that way I urge you to contact me. There is no greater subject than Jesus Christ and the price of calvary. You might be thinking to yourself that you have already heard the gospel and you have responded to it, but yet you are not feeling the same way as I do. If that is the case I promise you the Spirit of God is moving and can direct you in the same direction the Father has directed me.

I'm praying that we all strive to see sinners with the eyes of Christ and that we desire to know God more. I can promise you one thing, God wants to talk to you as much as you want to talk to him. Believe me through the Spirit of Christ we can touch God and he will hear you and you can hear him. Praise be the our Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah.

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