The hot topic right now is that of the floods that have swept all across Tennessee. Middle Tennessee being hit the hardest. This has been the worst weather Tennessee has ever recorded and the damage is very bad. It was just passed a year ago April 10, 2009 when the city I reside in Murfreesboro, TN was hit by 3 tornados that caused some fatalities and damage beyond belief. I was at work when I heard the news that a tornado had torn its way down Broad St which is where most of the businesses and restaurants are located in Murfreesboro destroying everything in its path. But this year on May 1, 2010 once again Murfreesboro and surrounding cities such as Smyrna, Antioch, and Nashville had terrible rain that seemed to get worse and worse, before we knew it the state had to shut down I-24 because cars were under water, houses were being flooded out, and from what I hear 5 deaths occurred. My fiance and I were on our way from Murfreesboro when we started to see restaurants and both malls closing down because of the tornado warnings and flooding taking place. As we drove home to get to safety we drove through tall streams of water that had overtaken the streets. It was reported that a school building was washed away and traveling down I-24 (link to video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5gYhLKwSp4).
The storm was indeed the worst I have ever seen and the worst Tennessee has recorded, but as I write this blog about the flooding in middle Tennessee I would like to give honor where honor is due. At Tennessee State University a faculty member raced to save the lives of some goats the school cares for, when he reached them the waters came pouring into the building at the faculty member climb a stack of hay in order to survive. Cops contacted the school president about what had happen and the president and another faculty member raced to save the person in a canoe the school had. Luckly they got to the faculty member in time to save that person. I want to say that the heroism of the school president should always be remembered. (link to report http://www.hbcudigest.com/2010/05/tennessee-state-president-rescues-faculty-member-from-floods/ )
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